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How to Wear a Baby Sling Safely for You and Your Baby

How to Wear a Baby Sling Safely for You and Your Baby

Babywearing – it’s healthy, comfortable, and convenient. Moms (and dads) around the world have been doing it for thousands of years. However, it can lead to injuries or even death if you don’t know how to wear a baby sling properly. When you bring your bundle of joy home, keeping her safe will be your main priority. It’s normal to feel uncertain about using a baby carrier, especially if you’re a first-time parent. The good news is baby slings are very safe, as long as you keep a few important safety precautions in mind. Keep reading to learn why baby slings are beneficial, and how to enjoy worry-free babywearing. employee computer monitoring software

The Benefits of Baby Slings and Wraps

Baby slings and wraps are a great way to bond with your baby. She will be able to smell your skin, hear your heart beating, and appreciate your warmth and snuggles. Skin-to-skin contact is relaxing and beneficial for both mom and baby. It stimulates oxytocin release, which lowers the risk of postpartum depression. It also supports a healthy breastfeeding relationship by boosting milk production. Wearing a baby sling wrap means your hands are free to tidy up, type, or snack on some chips. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to cuddle your little one while checking a few things off your to-do list.

Practice Proper Positioning

Positioning your baby the right way is the key to safe babywearing. Appropriate spine and neck alignment will prevent injuries and airway obstruction. Remember the TICKS acronym – tight, in view always, close enough to kiss, keep chin off chest, supported back. Your baby should be wrapped tightly against your chest, never sagging down near your waist. You should always be able to see his sweet face, your view shouldn’t be blocked by fabric. Check often to make sure he’s breathing. The top of his head should be as close to your chin as possible, but make sure you are comfortable. Do not allow his chin to rest on his chest. A slumped head can lead to a dangerous airway obstruction. A good rule is to make sure you can fit two fingers between his chin and chest. Remember that built-in headrests can be risky, because they push the head forward at an unnatural angle. To support the baby’s spine, he should be facing you with his belly against you. The legs should be wrapped around your torso in an M shape, with the knees higher than the bottom. The spine should follow a gentle J shape. This position will keep his body aligned until he develops the strength to sit up straight and hold his own head up. At first, it can be helpful to practice positioning your baby in his sling while seated on the sofa or the floor. When you feel ready to stand up, ask your partner or a friend to spot you while you take an easy walk around the room. Organizations such as Babywearing International exist to offer support to new moms. If you have questions about babywearing, contact a chapter near you.

Know Your Alphabet

An alternative acronym for safely using a baby sling wrap is ABC – airway, body position, comfort. Keep the chin off the chest so the airway is unobstructed. Align the spine and neck properly to avoid injury, and make sure you and the baby are both comfortable.

Follow the Instructions

When you purchase a baby sling, always take time to read the manufacturer’s instructions. There are laws that require them to provide written and illustrated steps to use the sling safely. Pay attention to any specific warnings, which are often product-specific. Manufacturers are also obligated to use strong, durable materials that won’t tear. Before you use your baby carrier, examine it for any rips or tears, and return or exchange it if you find imperfections.

Dress for the Weather

Babies are sensitive to changes in temperature, and it is easy for them to get too cold or too hot. If the weather is chilly, dress your little one in socks, mittens, and a warm hat. You can also tuck a blanket around the sling to keep her extra warm. Never zip your baby inside a regular winter coat. It will be difficult to see her and there is a risk of suffocation and overheating. Companies such as Love To Be Natural have designed safe coats specifically for babywearing. If the weather is warm, dress yourself and your baby in cool, breathable clothing. It is also important for both mom and baby to stay hydrated.

Use Common Sense

So much of parenting is intuitive, and you will surely get the hang of safe babywearing quickly. Use your common sense to avoid putting yourself and your baby in an unsafe situation. Don’t use the oven or stove while wearing a baby sling. Drinking hot coffee or tea can also be dangerous. Never wear your baby in a vehicle, where she should be in an approved child safety seat. Don’t engage in strenuous exercise while wearing your baby, and be careful not to lose your balance while moving around. A baby sling will change your center of gravity, so your body will need time to adjust. Be sure to use railings when walking up or down stairs. If you are nursing in the sling, it is fine to shift the baby into a different position. Remember to return her to a supported, upright stance when you are finished.

Make Sure You Know How to Wear a Baby Sling

Learning how to wear a baby sling safely will only take a few days. You’ll be moving around and multitasking with your tot on your chest in no time. If at any time you are uncertain about how to use your baby carrier properly, ask your pediatrician or a babywearing support group for help. Above all, enjoy the special bond that wearing your baby in a sling will create. If you enjoyed this article, check out some of our other parenting resources.

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