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Tips To Improve Your Infant’s Sleep

Easier Tips You Can Try for Your Infants to Sleep

One of the most used phrases is “sleep when the baby sleeps”, but when your baby just won’t nap in the day or sleep at night it might seem like a cruel joke. If you’re wanting to get your baby to sleep better, here are some simple tips brought to you by Janine from London-based Sleep Consultancy The Bedtime Champ that you can try:


Timing is everything, and making sure the balance of day and night sleep is right for the current needs of your baby is important. Follow an age appropriate napping and sleep schedule and proactively try to get your baby down for a nap after an age-appropriate awake window. 

Sometimes the solution may be to make a few minor adjustments to the length and timing of naps, or a small adjustment to sleep time. Sleep needs change over time, in some cases, it may be time to transition to fewer naps, but sometimes it just takes minor adjustments that can make a big difference.

Bedtime Routine

A soothing and predictable bedtime can help your child relax and feel ready for sleep. The routine doesn’t have to be very regimented, it can be as simple as following the same simple steps every night before bed to let them know that sleep is on its way. 

Bonding Time

Setting aside special time to bond during the day can help our babies and children feel more comfortable sleeping. It can be as little as fifteen minutes or shared stories, soothing play and cuddles with no outside distractions. Carving out some uninterrupted time can be really beneficial. This shared time helps our little ones to feel connected.

Eliminate any Interference

The noise around the house or from outside, light coming in early in the morning, the clatter of the boiler and the noise of pets or older children are common things that can disturb our little ones while they sleep. Simple changes like blackout blinds or trying white noise can help reduce outside noise.


There’s no set age when a baby will eliminate night feeds, and some babies will feed much longer at night than others, so don’t feel pressured to stop feeding if your baby wakes up hungry. 

But to reduce night feeds, it’s important to make sure that baby is getting enough calories during the day and that they are following their weight centile.

Medical Concerns

There are some common medical conditions such as allergies, reflux, digestive issues, eczema and tongue ties that can affect sleep. If you are concerned about any health issues, talk to your healthcare provider for support. If you are interested to learn more about the stuff, visit our website at or call us, we will always be there to help support you and your little one to get better sleep.

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