Single parents give priority to their children over many things including new relationships. They follow ground rules that protect their kids and ensure that they enjoy a parent’s love at all times. Most importantly, the income they earn is dedicated to the needs of the kids. However, this does not mean that a single parent cannot enjoy a romantic relationship; it is possible as long as you follow some rules that have made others successful.

For many, one of the main concerns is how long they should date before introducing their kids to a partner. Because this is a major concern for many, we will give it a detailed look. There is no definite duration as to when people should introduce their kids to a dating partner. Some factors come into play to determine the right time.

What to Look for Before Introducing Kids to a Partner

  • The age of your children – this factor is especially significant. Young kids can be introduced without too much preparation because they will accept your partner easily. On the other hand, you need to be sure of the steps you are making if your kids are older. Actually, teenagers are more reluctant to accept a parent’s partner than adult children would be. As such, you need to take more time to prepare them psychologically.
  • The seriousness of your relationship – things are much easier today when it comes to finding a serious partner. If you visit the numerous and legit free hookup apps, there is a chance of finding a serious partner. When both of you know what you want, then you will not shy away from introducing your kids to your partner after sufficient time like six months of dating.
  • Expectations – if your children are all grown now, they might expect you to find a partner. More so, they might become curious if you are away over the weekends and out late a few other days on dates. Usually, they pick up on clues and hints no matter how much you want to hide them. If you realize that they hope there is a special person in your life, then there is no need to keep it secret anymore. Look for a convenient time and introduce the love of your life to the kids.

When to Delay the Introduction of Your Kids to a Partner

Even after making plans to introduce your kids to the love of your life, some things might force you to halt the plans. Mainly, if your partner turns out to be against such an idea, it is best to stop the plans as it might make things awkward. Additionally, one should cancel the plans if the partner becomes abusive all of a sudden or if you learn about some negative traits that you did not notice before. Besides canceling the plans, you should not continue an abusive relationship.


As you can see, the right time to introduce your kids is determined by a couple of factors. It is up to you to look at these factors and decide whether it is the right time or not. If it is, do not hesitate to let your loved ones get to know each other.