Come winter and kids are prone to respiratory illnesses. Cold, cough, sore throat and flu regularly make their rounds with the dip in temperature. Infections are common, but with a little foresight, you can avert it. Here are a few tips to keep your kids healthy in the winters.

Layer Them Up

Allow the children to play outside if they are comfortable. But make sure they are protected from the cold. Layer them up with warm clothing. This includes thermals, woollen socks, scarfs and so on. Jackets and warm boots are a must as well.

Refrain From Antibiotics

A runny nose does not always require antibiotics. Giving your kids antibiotics regularly will develop antibiotic resistance in the child. If it is a mild cold, just let it run its course. Use traditional home remedies like the hot soup, steam inhalation and saline sprays. Inform the caregiver at the day centre too. When you select day care near me option, these factors should be taken into consideration.

Boost Their Immunity

Cut back on sugary snacks. Instead, give them nutrient-rich healthy food that includes seasonal vegetables, greens and vitamins. Increase their vitamin C intake by including fruits rich in vitamins. Oranges, guavas, strawberries are some fruits to include. Add yoghurt in their meals daily for the required dose of probiotics. Add nuts like almonds, cashews, pistachios for vitamin E intake. During winters, skin can become dry and face rashes. So increasing their vitamin E intake keeps the skin healthy.

Watch Their Water Intake

Keep your child hydrated as it is easy to skip drinking water during winters as children feel less thirsty. Incorporate fruit juices and soups in their diet.

Let The Air In

Aerate the rooms by opening up the windows for a short while. Fresh air and sunlight reduce the risk of infections, and UV light is a natural disinfectant.

Use Warm Water

Kids frequently get dirty playing around in the house and outside. During winters, it is best to use warm water and soap for washing hands. It is an effective method of killing germs and reducing infections in kids.

Best day care centre adopt such healthy practices to reduce infections. Before you choose a child care near me option, check out their regulations and safe practices on their website. Caregivers should not only create a positive environment around the kid but should also follow healthy practices, especially during winters when infections are on the rise.

If you are looking for best day care Leicester, then contact Play Days Academy. For more information about the best child care Leicester you can check out their website as well.

For more information please contact us via our website below.